Sunday, November 29, 2015

Quote Essay

"You'll never know love or friendship and I feel sorry for you."

                                                                 -Harry Potter

(Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix)

           Harry Potter says this to Lord Voldemort in regards to who is actually the weaker one. As anyone familiar with Harry Potter would know, Lord Voldemort was born to Muggles, was originally named after Tom Marvolo Riddle(father) but changed his name due to 'shame'. He's supposedly the most powerful wizard in the world but this idea is challenged by this quote. Although Voldemort chose is power for bad, someone who knows to chose love and friendship would be more powerful because these are two great powers to know.

           This quote relates to life a lot. If you encounter someone who has never know love or friendship, don't look at them as a threat. However, you should feel sorry for them since they weren't as privileged as you. No one ever tried to make them happy and maybe even tried to bring them down. They're not going to try to make you happy and they even try to bring you down. Still don't hold a grudge against this person but try to teach them love and friendship.

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